06/06/2024 - 06/07/2024 / FH Campus Wien and online (hybrid event)

Expanding perspectives: Virtual Exchange and COIL international teaching and learning

Hybrid Event: FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Favoritenstrasse 226, 1100 Vienna and online

In the summer semester of 2024, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences will host the first INUAS COIL Days. The event will centre around the practical implementation of Virtual Exchange/COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) projects. Participants will have the opportunity to get together with colleagues from other INUAS universities (FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, Zurich University of Applied Sciences) as well as some of our international partner universities, and to exchange their knowledge and experiences of implementing Virtual Exchange in the classroom. Participants will be shown practical examples by colleagues and will receive input from COIL experts to help them internationalise their own teaching and to find ideas and partners for future COIL projects.

You can find the full programme here.


Who should participate?

  • “Newcomers” who would like to implement Virtual Exchange/COIL projects in their own teaching and are looking for partners.
  • Lecturers who have already implemented Virtual Exchange/COIL in their teaching and are interested in connecting and sharing their experiences with colleagues as well as expanding their professional network.



Participation is limited to permanent lecturers and teaching staff from the INUAS universities and selected partner universities. To register, please fill in the registration form and send it to the INUAS coordinator/International Office at your respective institution by February 28, 2024:

FH Campus Wien : Hannah Klepeis, hannah_rosa.klepeis@fh-campuswien.ac.at

Hochschule München: Corinna Fröhling, corinna.froehling@hm.edu

ZHAW: Ressort Internationales, international@zhaw.ch


This event will be held in English.
